Saturday, August 27, 2005

Argh.. sakit otakku

Ditipu bulat-bulat oleh tukang buat wayang. Arghh..

I am feeling so stupid, for I 've just watched one very non-arguably "hampeh" movie of the year. Not blaming it all to the first timers actors/actresses. They were the newly fresh graduates from Akademi Fantasia 2. but, I can feel it in all my sanity that they were tricked (heavily sedated to be tricked) into agreeing to cast for this "Cinta Fotokopi".. oh my gosh.. I thought I've seen enough of Malaysian made-jual-pasar-malam standard, I thought they have learned and improved. but no ho... still, the producers were willingly to spend money on this?

I seriusly think..well, not that this is the first time I have been wanting to vent out my issues on Malaysian Made movies.. I seriously think, since the days when Professor Madya Abdul Razak Mohaideen became the pengarah of what.. let me think, Anak Mami, Mami Jarum, and many more.. I seriously think he's got to be joking! He's got to be joking to believe that this movie can sell?! He's got to be joking to the Malaysian people.. Its like an insult to the viewers.. Is he really making up the story lines just in between breaks during shooting or during the time he went for nature calls?? it doesn't makes sense at all.

What I am judging now, I truly see Zarina (AF2) can bring her character well... I disgusted her, I pitied her, envied her from her natural acting in Cinta Fotokopi.. good try for Khai, Bob, Adam,. however I pitied all of them.... to being dragged to act in this the very hampeh movie of you-know-who (nama seperti yang disebut diatas).. (ahaha... am bringing the element from Harry Potter in)..

Seperti yang berlaku dalam banyak-banyak filem Melayu lain, lakon layarnya sangatlah lemah sekali. Sungguh tak faham apakah konsep sebenar filem ini.. adakah komedi, romantis atau GANAZ.. atau sengaja lawak Mr. Bean yang diadaptasikan ke Melayu. Jalan cerita yang tidak lojik amat membuat saya berasa nak muntah dan teruja nak tarik-tarik rambut akibat tekanan perasaan tahap dewa... bayangkan Zurina budak UM yang playgirl tiba-tiba jadi cair dengan Khai ala-ala budak "nerd" lurus bendul sebab Khai kata serius nak kawin dengan Zurina. Zurina pun kata "iye, Rina akan bagi peluang untuk Khai". Kemudian mereka pun cadanglah nak kawin (tanpa keluarga Rina, sedara-mara diberitahu, padahal duduk dekat Klang aje kampung dia) minggu depannya jugak, siap kenduri kendara pulak tu! (teka di mana tidak lojiknye).. tambahan pula, hari yang mereka tak jadi kawin tu, Rina pun dapatla telegram (ada ke orang guna telegram lagi sekarang?) yang mengatakan mak dia sakit tenat di kampung. (Mak dia tak tau ke dia kawin?) semua perkara yang malang berlaku pada Zurina bertimpa-timpa banyaknya. Terlalu banyak kepincangan nak dihuraikan..

You cannot even get a good laugh from this. I want to entertain my mind, I want to cheer it up with comedy and good acting.. not feeling dejected, frustrated, tensed even more!! Now I have to watch again either Star Wars or my favourite Harry Potter movie to sooth down my tension.. ggrr...

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