Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What I was like.. I'm changing the title to "You know you are right when.. "

It made me thinking.. what had I been doing for the last 25 years 10 months5 days of my life.. Since I have been tagged by Chewah and insisted by Kak Nana, I will write it here.. the happenings in my life that I still can remember.

20 years ago (year 1985)
I was 6 years old. It was time for me to go to kindergarden. I was staying with my lovely grandparents in Seremban, Makwan whom I missed so much and whom I phoned so frequently lately, and my arwah Atuk whom was very strict but very loving. I should have move back with my parents but I am not really sure why it didn't happen. So, this tadika was the place where me and the rest of the kids (close cousins) WILL go to, will be enroll to because they say its quite a "popular" place to send their kids. Few things I can remember from this place; the first day I was so scared of being left alone and I cried whenever I didn't see the sight of my aunt or my mom (was she there, I don't remember now), the brushing teeth lessons, the dance practice for graduation ceremony and the graduation ceremony itself with Y.M Tunku Kursiah. Erm.. is there anybody that I remembered from this place.. I think I do remember. 2 guys, they were my classmates of course... and why didn't I remember any girls? I don't know! Perhaps these are the cutest and most popular guys in reign at that time.. (winks winks)..

10 years ago (1995)
I'll be 16 this year and just finished the PMR examinations. Quite "good" results which had me accepted to MRSM. This was the place where I learned to enhance myself towards spiritual and religous needs, because I wasn't very religous (really). It was quite a daunting experience at first, I was so nervous to be there. Somehow throughout the 2 years, I enjoyed the company of my seniors, friends and my juniors. Oh yea, one thing that gives me a bit of a shock was getting in line with boys since this is my first experience going to a Co-Ed school after my 3 years in all girls (high) school. This was when I decided to stay away from boys because sometimes they can become quite nasty although some of them were ok. I can say that this is the period of me hibernating my real character. I figure it is best to lock myself away from unnecessary interuptions of my studies.

5 years ago (2000)
The year 2000 is the year I became 21, another significant years in anybody's youth. You know, it made me thinking when I always saw the cards at Memory Lane, the figure 18 years, 21 years are two of the most popular cards sold. Why aaahh?? I don't understand one? So I missed one year of General Election (they had it in 1999 when I was only 20).. so what? What was I doing this year..on my second year of study in Uni! Yey! I went to one of the most recent establishment of PETRONAS.. how's that?? ahahaa. whenever I tell, people never heard of UTP. PETRONAS ada university?? walauweiii.. nyampah betul. So, in this place I HAVE TO STUDY Chemical Engineering, which was not really my favourite area (tapi buat ajelahkan, dah ada orang nak bayar and to make everyone happy), I met up with some of the most craziest girls and guys. They are totally out of this world, and this is a generalisation to all the people that I know. All of whom I know from my classmates, my hostelmates, my roomates, my housemates, my KEMBARA mates, my SILAT mates, my seniors and my juniors, especially the TRONS and the Cik Kiahs.. oh yeah, not to forget the STAFFS! some of them that I got to know real close, e.g. Abang Lehan & Kak Ina, Abang Nizar, Kak Atun (Abang Anuar's wife), and many more from the library staffs to the Media to the Makcik Guard(Kak Manis, Kak Manisah). Ini kalau tulis nama diaorang kat sini, tak muat posting nih.. One person that I didn't actually like was the head of the Security and his "constable" yang perasan dengan motor besar, "Pakcik Safai". I must admit, these are the most memorable years of my life... the ups and downs, the good and bad, the sad and happy.. Too many acquintances that I made during Kembara Expeditions, many more sincere connections made through Silat tournament and organizing of a Silat Tournament, which left a big hole in me when all that gone now. Relationship?? Yeah, into it or has it gone away this year? Erm.. I think this was the year when we broke up or was it the next year??? (I don't remember any of this matter now do I?)

3 years ago (2002)
It's my fourth/fifth year in UTP, I was 22. The first half of the year was spent away from Uni to fulfill my industrial internship requirements. So, there I was working to my first employer ever. Here I learned many aspects of water treatments processes. This was the period when I got close to my two partners (in crime) doing internship at this same place (I missed you two). The work involves from going to plant and support the Technical Services Engineer, to making photocopies of training materials. At some stage, I want to get away from this place, I really did consider requesting to be placed somewhere else by the Uni. I don't know what kept me going, I just did. I think if we can make our boss happy, at the end of the day, that is all that matters. Because you know why, even though I picked up a fight with one of the staff (tak berbaloi nak gaduh ngan aku yang kerdil ni), my boss still fancies us more than that guy. Yeap, I owe it to my boss that he confided in me (and friends) on top of this "Parrot" the longest servicing man in the company. We all did get an A for our internship. It's all that matters. Oh yeah, I also have experience going to several of PETRONAS plants in Kerteh and Gebeng. Going outstation occasionally was the bit that I can be proud of.. (hey, they spent on me for the MAS flight tickets ok).. Finally, this was the time when I thought I have met with the love of my life.

Last year (2004)
I am going to be 25 this year. I don't really remember when the dream starts, I think a few years back, when I have this dream getting on an airplane, going to London, and go shopping at Body Shop??(Mimpi shopping ada makna besar ni).. I guess it must have meant something. Well, it does proven to be true now isn't it. I sort of lost track of life after graduating from UTP the previous year. I became so pathethic, I just want to get out of the country, but I don't know how to. Some voice inside my head can't stand it anymore being trapped in a one way, one mind country that I was living in. I had to, and I must go to somewhere. So, when my application got through with the sponsors and uni and everything, I was thrilled. Finally, I am going to the UK. New experience, new place, a new beginning. Which in a sad way will mean I have to leave my family, my friends and all the things I like for at least 1 year. The first half of the year spent unknowingly what I will become since I have no job, I have no future plans, not anymore. Things became much steadier after I got accepted to one of UK's most leading academic institution for engineering, which I consider myself lucky to be able to step foot at this place. Not many people were aware that I am going away. Maybe, nobody ever really predicted me to go abroad and study. That's when I got so many speculations about the "reason" I went abroad... I mean, do I need a reason to go study??

This year (2005)
I am getting bored now. Yeah, been here done that.. I want to go back, so badly, but I won't. I'll do what I have to do first, then I will figure out what to do next in my life

Next year (2006)
I really have no idea what's going to happen next year.

10 years time (2015)
Errr.. hopefully something good will happen. Become a business woman? Become one of the top executives??? I hope by now, I should have paid off my debts, make my family happy, have my own family with several small children to lighten up my day.

The end...

p/s: err.. nak tag Sarah ngan err.. saper ekk, Aidie la plaks...

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