Away for more than One week in Scotland, was out of my original plans.. Phew.. oh well, this is me, very predictable though unpredictable.. whatever that means. I should only be in Scotland because of the Exxon sponsored holiday for a few days. Being clever to take advantage of the opportunity, I extended my stay in Scotland by visiting Kak Lidia with her family. It so happens, her husband was one of my Cikgu in UTP... oh well, reunion UTP lagi lah dekat sini. The open dated ticket was discounted by the Young persons Rail card, (should be paid by Exxon).. that's why, when Kak Lidia insisted me to stay longer, the ticket came in handy.. A few of the shots I have here were already "basi" actually. Due to the reason of my "nomadic" lifestyle and lack of constant connection to the internet.
William Wallace impersonation
the medieval pose
On Sunday, we went to Edinburgh to see one of the most historical places in the UK. OK.. so another tick to my Harry Potter conquest for Edinburgh Castle.
hot spots
Glasgow Science Centre... at the Armadillo.. the famous Armadillo.. huhuu.. didn't manage to take any pictures.. sebab hari hujan sepanjang hari.
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