Monday, March 29, 2010

You've got to be strong

Today I've heard somebody was saying.. A lady, in the men's dominated world, need to work 10 times more harder just to earn the same respect of a man's. And how true that is. This was not the first time I've heard it, and I partly agree.

You see, I'm quite used to the fact that western companies really does use their equal opportunities right.. I'm no activist, so I'm not going to comment more. However, that statement I had today, was somehow brought back to me in a manner that made me reflect into me. Am I really destined to be stuck here, in this fast paced world where, I know that I should and can do more happier things and that I can succeed in...

I don't really fancy what I'm doing at the moment, now I can see the more you become powerful, the more you want to be greedy, and at points, you may even slipped up, and at any time, people can just topple you down. I also don't really fancy the lifestyle of people with money, enjoying and spending the money all the time. Do they do sedekah? Do they take care of their families, friends? Most of all, do they care on helping out with the need?

I sincerely pray, that when that day (or opportunity) arises for me, I'd like to do some happiness to other people. InsyaAllah.

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