Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Climate and I (and u, me and everyone)

I remember I did some scribblings on Kyoto Protocol back in the years when Environmentalism roams my heart and soul. Oucchh... Tak percaya?? Klik sini laa..... Well, today we talk about this again... Boring stuffs eyy.. So what, my blog what, I get to write what I want..

While listening to the papers presented today, I came to a realization = my knowledge in Environment have almost depleted! Gosh, talk about getting old.. haha.. So, let me tell you what are the "value added" I got today.

1) The Aussie's government finally agrees to join Kyoto.
2) The USA government still agree NOT to join in Kyoto.
3) The British and Europeans have already embarked into Carbon Trading
4) Ironically, the consultant that was hired for this forum is very competent, aUS of A based consultant firm.

Excerpts from Kyoto Protocols website states that:

The Kyoto mechanisms

Under the Treaty, countries must meet their targets primarily through national measures. However, the Kyoto Protocol offers them an additional means of meeting their targets by way of three market-based mechanisms.

The Kyoto mechanisms are:

The mechanisms help stimulate green investment and help Parties meet their emission targets in a cost-effective way.

Some chit chat and gossiping issues that I heard involved ( I did realized that I always felt inferior when conversing with some big shots):

1) US of A would want a new president to be more supportive towards the environmental efforts
2) Some frustrations expressed by many of us due to the victimization of our images with regards to the recent huge fuel hike.
3) We are serious to go for CDM (Clean Development Mechanisam) but the challenges is to balance between production targets (of oil and gas) i.e. "development of our country" and meeting the promised amount of gas & flare target to support our government fulfilling duties for the Kyoto Protocol.

And did I mentioned, we had storm last night.. Stormy weather in Sabah is a natural thing, but in the middle of July?? I guess climate change does has its flavor here in KK.

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