Sunday, May 23, 2010

My first seminar with Dr Azizan Osman

Amazing.. that's my one word description on my view about the seminar. Not wanting to let my 3 tickets go to waste, I asked my housemate to join me and try to look for one more person to join. At first I planned to go with Mr Fiance and Adik Lelaki (brother) but both either too busy or too stingy to come. Well, they don't know what they are missing.. the facts of life.. I dont want to brag too much on the person's (Dr Azizan) but I want to describe how it soon made me realised on how true and interesting the lives that we all had. Ever wonder why we always didn't succeed in anything that we wanted to succeed in? Did you know the correlation of your birthdate with your personal traits? Surely many of you heard of the Power of Attaction, but how many have heard about the Power of Expectation. Then there comes the biggest takeaway of the day : Alpha Technique.

Its nothing much about wealth creation, for me I'm looking for happiness, in this life and the life after. It is the choice we made, makes all the difference. Congratulations to me and to thousands (3000++) of the other attendees that made it there and realising your potential and the dragon inside you.

Bila kita menimba ilmu, haruslah dengan guru yang ahli dalam bidang tersebut..

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