Monday, June 21, 2010

Fever and the rest of it

I'm feeling feverish.. for the past 4 days.. Yes, the flu especially. Am I already infected with the virus? We have been so overwhelmed with the H1N1 pandemic, especially myself who is doing all these promos on avoiding H1N1. Now, is it my turn already to catch it..I've even made a poster out of it.. Click here to view it.

I've been a lazy bum for the past 4 months..... or so.. Its not that I don't have anything to write, its just not having the right time and mood. It wasn't due to the fact that I'm all too engrossed with work, its only that I am not as sharp as a writer as before. I've been wanting to talk about wedding, food, marketing, shop blogs and my online biz.. All that, have to wait.. Some mood swings I have nowadays.

To date, I've finished off Cinta Sufi, 9 Nyawa, and now currently on my reading list is Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Yup, getting all hooked up with books will take away the stress out from my head, the heavy burden and the personal problems which lingers around in my head.

Yesterday was Father's Day. (Happy Father's Day to my Papa). Hope you like the present I bought ya. Oh yes, I managed to change the size ... I hope you like it and will wear it during Raya time.

Happy birthday to baby Adreeyan Ilham Naufal, whom we welcomed to the world about a year ago here. You are now a lucky 1 year old boy, whom mommy is so wonderful, to throw a birthday party for you with a oh so delicious looking cakes and cuppies... I like! Auntie wished I was there too... only I came there bit too early ayy...

Well, actually, the reason why I got so active in blogging lately is because of frustration ... wrt career prospects. I know, I must be grateful. But, nevertheless, the human in me, does get affected or so by it. O Allah, Praise to You and all these blessings that You have given without conditions. It is us who is so overwhelmed with greed and worldiness affections. Please Allah, let me have happiness, in life and the life hereafter. Ameen.

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