Monday, August 23, 2010

I am humbled by....

I reached the 17th day of Ramadhan with a whole new meaning of blessings. I felt so blessed and grateful for all the happenings these past few months. What I want to really write today is how much humbled I felt about the things that I have today, and about the future that's coming in to me soon.

I have been in my freedom years, not a moment that I will regret. The moments of sorrow are those which taught me to live and love my life more. At times I don't think I can go on anymore, some power lifted me up. Watching a few friends struggling life to raise their children without their other half humbled me deeply. That made me wonder, can I survive the world if I'm in their shoes. I salute you working moms, single moms and temporary single moms!

I experimented, tested, and even gambled my future since the day I started to think on my own feet. In time, I realised none of it was coincidence. I was what I have summoned, what I have asked and have prayed. Where I lived, where I worked, my phone number, my car plate number are the result of being me.

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