Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New look on Adorable Sweet Hearts.. how sweet.. hihi

I've been searching for the right look, the right template and the right theme for our online shop blog. Adorable Sweet Hearts we call it. Its the brain child of me and my friend.. I personally fall in love with the items at this small shop that we found.. and its not even for me. Its for small children.. Gosh.. how I wish I could buy one for my own..
Anyway, to cut the long story short, me being intuitive enough to ask the owner (of the shop) on what does it takes to run this business, is there any suppliers who took on their items.. Seemed Allah has shown some path to take up the running of a business in me after all eh.. This shop is small, but their collection would go way beyond couture (am I bragging to much here..) Its just the owner, being too busy running a one man show business, wouldnt have the time to expand it to the world.
Although small scale, its already enough to put me on adrenaline in making sure this works out... InsyaAllah...

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