Sunday, May 02, 2010

Siapa Yang Sesat? Yang kenal diri atau yang tidak kenal diri?

This first time I've heard abut this guy.. was from my boss. He revealed the greatness that this guy had brought into the many lives of many people who is in need of a big nudge in getting along their lives. He is Azizan Osman. Yes, I've been talking about Azizi Ali, Irfan Khairi, etc.. but how come I missed this particular name.. and it so happens.. I missed the biggest seminar he had ever ogranized... Seminar Kenali Potensi Diri.. after reading his long list of testimonial, including those by my boss, I've decided to give them a call on when will the next seminar be. Unlucky me, this time around for the RM50 session has already ended. Only those with the RM399-497 sessions are available. Those too can only be attended by those who attended the 1 day session. I'm determined to attend his session.. no matter what.. Azizan, just you wait for me and my fiance presence and we are sure going to make it big afterwards!

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