Monday, February 20, 2006

Do we know who we are (were)?

It may have been obvious that the question posed above is expected to trigger many types of sophisticated or creative and perhaps a very naive but honest answer. If I were to tell everyone "I know me, myself too well.." "I am the person of..." Whatever the type of bambling you may seem to come up with, the answer really does not lie on your good self. It is, as I believe it this way, if you want to know yourself, ask the people around you.. Your parents for instance, your close relatives, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. And then it hit me, if I was to continue writing about my own self, I won't go anywhere. I will just be plain me.
So, I decided to have an active approach towards my reading (what does this got to do with the above introduction?), so that I should feel I must be alert, be on my toes. Being able to think and analyse data, grabbing the information required gave be the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Though it is just a few hundred pages from Azizi Ali's latest book, it sort of waken up my lazy mind to do some thinking. "But you ain't see nothing yet" I told my self. When Azizi Ali and Irfan Khairi meets, expect an explosion of mind boggling ideas of how to become rich and still young (hehe..). I have read Azizi's first book before I left for UK and was very intrigue to follow his footsteps (Although I know that now I am lack of one thing: the monthly income). The right mindset is crucially needed to continue this burning desire to follow his tips and actions on how to manage your money and let your money work for you. BUT, the thing I didn't realize was "when Azizi meets Irfan".. I was really impressed! AND still am. To tell you bloggers the truth not all on what Azizi talks about in his book agrees with my own thinking, my own views. But I take, just why not follow all those that I can come to term with and review whether I should follow the rest of the contradictions later. Irfan is another "phenomena" who came into the world of the internet at about the same time as the rest of us and hit his first million when he was only 25 years old! (For the record I am 26…. ehm ehm..last year.. ) How come? This must see, and perhaps evaluate on what he had done and maybe, why not just why not consider his foot steps…
p/s: Yours truly came out today from under the shell to look for Irfan's book only to realize the nearest available MPH is miles away and therefore failed to get it today.

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